Entrance & Opening hours
From refreshingly relaxing bathing pleasures, to a variety of offers in our Black Forest sauna to the feel-good climate of the Dead Sea Salt Cave – here you will find all prices and opening hours.

Thermal bath
Rate thermal bath Adults Discounted* Children 3-12 y/o 3 hours 16,50 € 15,50 € 9,50 € Day pass 18,50 € 17,50 € 11er card 3 hours 165,00 € 11er card day pass 185,00 € Late rate (as of 7 pm) 13,50 € 7,90 € Annual pass** 810,00 € Family’s Rate Prices Family card 3 hours (2 adults + 1 child) 35,50 € Family day pass (2 adults + 1 child) 39,50 € Small family day pass 3 hours (1 adult + 1 child) 21,90 € Small family day pass (1 adults + 1 child) 23,90 € Every other child up to 12 years 6,50 € -
Weekend and public holiday surcharge
there is a weekend and public holiday surcharge on all spa and sauna rates of 1.00 EUR for adults, students and students and 0.50 EUR for children.
The welfare of your children is very important to us. Due to the increased stress on the cardiovascular system and the risk of inhaling or swallowing the brine, we ask you to refrain from taking a salt bath with your baby/infant.
Children under 3 years old are only allowed in the baby pool. Children from 3 years old are allowed under supervision in the brine pool.Children from 13 years old can visit our sauna under supervision.
Disabled people
Disabled persons receive a day ticket for the price of a 3 hour ticket (therme) or 4 hour ticket (therme incl. sauna) upon presentation of a valid disability card (from registered 50 % GdB). If an accompanying person (B) is registered in the card, they are given free entry.
Birthday promotion
Birthday children of all ages receive a free day ticket for the Solemar Thermal Baths on their birthday after presenting their ID card. Surcharge for the Black Forest Sauna.
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, public holidays 9am - 10pm Friday 9am - 11pm Bath closing time 1/2 hour before closing time! -
Thermal spa including sauna surcharge
Rate Therme including surcharge Sauna
Rate Therme including surcharge Sauna Adults Discounted* 4 hours 24,50 € 22,50 € Day pass 27,50 € 25,50 € 11er card 4 hours 245,00 € 11er card day pass 275,00 € Late rate (ab 19:00Uhr) 19,50 € Annual pass** 950,00 € -
Late rate
Please note that from 2024 the regular rate will apply on event evenings in the sauna. The late rate does not apply to the sauna on these evenings.
Weekend and public holiday surcharge
there is a weekend and public holiday surcharge on all spa and sauna rates of 1.00 EUR for adults, students and students and 0.50 EUR for children.
Ladies' sauna
The Ladies’ sauna takes place all day on Tuesdays.
No Ladies’sauna is offered during all Baden-Württemberg holidays or on public holidays.
Exception: During the summer holidays the Ladies’ sauna takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The sauna is open to everyone from 4 p.m.
The well-being of your children is very important to us. Due to the increased strain on the cardiovascular system and the risk of inhaling or swallowing the brine water, we ask you not to take a brine bath with your baby/toddler.Children under 3 years old are only allowed in the baby pool. Children aged 3 and over are allowed to enter the brine pools under supervision. Children aged 13 and over are allowed to visit our sauna under supervision.
Disabled people
Disabled people receive a day ticket for the price of a 3-hour ticket (thermal spa) or 4-hour ticket (thermal spa including sauna) upon presentation of a valid disability ID card (from registered 50% GdB). If an accompanying person is listed on the ID card (B), they receive free entry.
Birthday promotion
Birthday children of all ages receive a free day ticket for the Solemar Thermal Baths on their birthday after presenting their ID card. Surcharge for the Black Forest Sauna.
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, public holidays 10am - 10pm Tuesday Ladies' sauna (except during the Baden-Württemberg holidays, summer holidays from 10.00 - 16.00) Friday 10am - 11pm Sauna and bath closing time 1/2 hour before closing time! -
Dead Sea Salt Cave
Rate Dead Sea Salt Cave
Rate Dead Sea Salt Cave Adults Children up to 12 years Single ticket 10,50 € 4,50 € 11er card 105,00 € 45,00 € Family card 1 adult + child (up to age 7) 15,00 € 4,50 €
(any other child)- An appointment reservation is required:
Tel: +49 (0) 77 26 66 62 92
E-mail: wellness.solemar.de
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 9am - 7pm Saturday, Sundays and public holidays 10am - 6pm - An appointment reservation is required:
An appointment reservation is required:
- Tel: +49 (0) 77 26 66 62 92
E-mail: wellness.solemar.de
Online reservation system
Opening hours
Monday - Sunday, public holidays 10am - 8pm - Tel: +49 (0) 77 26 66 62 92