Reflection on the essentials.

In the Solemar Spa centre you will experience beautiful hours full of relaxation and well-being. On over 13,500 m², a wellness experience of a special kind awaits you in the Solemar Brine Bath, the Black Forest Sauna, the Dead Sea Salt Grotto and the Wellness Centre.


Therme geöffnet

Today: 09:00 – 22:00 o' clock

Sauna geöffnet

Today: 10:00 – 22:00 o' clock

Our current visitor numbers

The visitor traffic light is a live display of capacity utilisation in the thermal spa and sauna. Guests who are still in the admission area are not included in the live display.



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Kochkurs im Solemar

Jeden 1. und 3. Montag im Monat gesund & lecker kochen

Kochkurs im Solemar
Webcam-Bild Solemar Bad Dürrheim